Water Fluoridation and Oral Health

Water Fluoridation and Oral Health

Posted by WOODRUFF FAMILY DENTISTRY on Aug 29 2022, 04:09 AM

Water fluoridation is a safe and effective way to help prevent tooth decay. Fluoride occurs naturally in small amounts in water, but municipalities may add it to community water supplies in order to help prevent tooth decay.

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in food and water. It helps prevent tooth decay by making enamel more resistant to acid attacks, which can damage the enamel. 

Research shows that water fluoridation prevents 20% of cavities in children and adults and 17% of cavities in low-income populations. Water fluoridation is safe and is endorsed by the American Dental Association.

Is Water Fluoridation Safe?

In short, yes, water fluoridation is safe and has been for decades.

The American Dental Association states that “water fluoridation continues to be the most effective and socially equitable method of delivering fluoride to prevent tooth decay and improve oral health.”

Does Water Fluoridation Help Reduce Tooth Decay?

Water fluoridation has been found to reduce tooth decay by approximately 25 percent. It’s most effective when water fluoridation is combined with good oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits.

Drinking water with fluoride has been shown to help strengthen enamel, the outer layer of the tooth, which makes it more resistant to tooth decay. Water fluoridation also helps prevent decay by removing sugars and acids from the mouth. Plaque bacteria also help convert sugars and acids into acids that can weaken tooth enamel. When plaque bacteria are not removed, they can multiply, causing cavities to form.

Is Water Fluoridation Cost-Effective?

According to the American Dental Association, water fluoridation is cost-effective. It results in fewer cavities and less need for dental fillings, which saves money in the long run.

Although some people may object because of concerns about fluoride toxicity, studies show that fluoride is safe when we use it in small amounts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the World Health Organization (WHO) have all stated, through their own research, that water fluoridation is safe.

Our staff at Woodruff Family Dental is available to assist you and your entire family throughout all of your dental procedures. Call (870) 972-8190 to schedule your appointment as soon as possible. Come see us at 2800 Enterprise Cv, Jonesboro, AR 72401, or send us an email.

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